The shape and modularity of Kubic are coordinated with the Ludwig sofa.
Together with coffee tables with a leather-covered top, Kubic and Ludwig express a pleasant interaction of opposites, i.e. of solids and voids.
Born in 2002 from the relationship between dimensions based on the multiples and submultiples of the number three, eighteen years later Kubic is presenting new module sizes and elements for seats and armrests that create geometric harmonies and generate configurations for spaces of various dimensions.
Born in Treviso, Italy, in 1956, he graduated in architecture in 1982 at the IUAV in Venice. He is dedicated to the art first participating in various exhibitions of painting. In 1980 he received the "Assemblaggio 80" in Spoleto in 1982 and was invited to the exhibition "Autoritrattazioni" at the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in Venice. For the Euromobil Group designed in 1999, the Forum and the new exhibition.